Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If you are interested in trying 4LIFE produts here is the customer number, Dist.# 6488401, you will need this number when calling 4Life Products to purchase.
To Order By Phone
Toll-free: 1-888-454-3374

Secure On Line Ordering by visiting
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Created by 4LIFE to lower your bad cholesterol

The CLA used in BioEFA™ is from the natural source of sunflower oil, and together with evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil, ensures optimum nutritional support of essential fatty acids.  Is formulated with evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, and CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid.  Evening primrose oil and flaxseed are excellent sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which help to reduce or lower your bad cholesterol. - by 4LIFE.
***Para reducir el colesterol malo en su systema pruebe BioEFA, ayuda a quemar la grasa que se pega en las paredes de las arterias y venas.

Created by 4LIFE

It works by promoting healthy prostate function as well as support of the reproductive and urinary organs. 4Life Transfer Factor MalePro combines the immune-supporting benefits of Targeted Transfer Factor technology with clinically proven saw palmetto, pygeum africanum, lycopene, soy isoflavones, and additional herbs and antioxidants that many researchers support as being an essential part of optimum prostate health. -by 4LIFE.

Reading your cholesterol

When the primary doctor gives you a copy of your blood test results your Cholesterol will read as follows:  Cholesterol Total is the sum of all three types combine, the higher it is the more risk of not having a good health at all.  HLD is the "good" cholesterol and it helps to eliminates the excess of fat in your system.  LDL is called the "bad" cholesterol and it is adhesive to the walls of the arteries which blocks the flow of blood, this is not good at any age, young nor old.  Triglecerides this is type of fat that come from eating excesive amounts of pasta (carbohydrates) and all types of sweets, not a good idea to have it high either.   Remember Health is Living.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Exercise 30 to 45 minutes every day 5 days a week is ideal to help the human body maintain healthy and fit. Consult a physician before you start any exercise plan.

Hacer ejercicios de 30 a 45 minutos 5 dias a la semana es lo ideal para mantener un cuerpo saludable y libre de exceso de grasas, los ejercicios deben de ser primero aprobados por su medico de cabecera y luego los mismos deben de acelerar su ritmo cardiaco para quemar las grasas de mas las cuales suelen pegarse a las paredes de las arterias y venas.

Tipos de Grasa

Lo ideal es que usted escoja comer alimentos altos en grasas buenas en vez de las malas para no perjudicar al corazon ni a los vasos sanguineos.  Los tipos de grasas son los siguientes:  Grasas Monosaturadas se encuentran en los aceites de oliva, canola y mani.  Grasas Poliinsaturada encontradas en los aceites vegetales, pescados y mariscos.  Grasas Saturadas se encuentran el la carne roja, las aves, la leche entera y la matequilla.  Grasas Trans (aceites hidrogenados) estos se forman cuando los aceites son procesados para convertirlos en grasas solidas.  Estas ultimas dos formas de grasas son las peores para el cuerpo humano y la salud.

Overweight...? Sobrepeso...?

Man and or Versus Weight?  Excessive total and saturated fat intake is the worst food habit for your health.  An elevated cholesterol level in the blood is a sign to reduce your fat intake in the daily diet.  Types of Fat are:  Monosaturated Fat (good)found in oils such as vegatable, olive, peanuts, canola, soybean and corn oil.  Saturated and Transaturated Fat (not good) found in red meat, poultry, whole milk & most cheese.  Polyunsaturated Fat (good) found in vegetables and fish. A balance of all these types of oils in human body is needed.