Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Breast Cancer Awarness Month

Perfect opportunity to have you annual Mammogram...Always remember "Health is Living"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Salud Bucal...Dental Health...Did you know...?


Oral Cancer

Oral cancer includes any type of cancerous tissues growth in the mouth and the back of the throat (pharynx); it can be detected at early stages during a routine dental cleaning and examination. Please note that routine cleaning means every six months or otherwise determine by your Dentist. Deaths associated with oral cancer is high not because it's difficult to discover or diagnose, but because it is often discovered late in its development. This is why it's important to practice good oral hygiene and visit the Dentist regularly, it can save your life!


Persistent abnormal taste
Problems chewing
Mouth sores which do not heal
Pain or difficulty when swallowing
Weight loss may occur as the cancer advances


Keep teeth clean and gums healthy
Visit your Dentis regularly (every six months)
Ask your Dentist for oral tissue examination
Treat all oral infections
Make sure you brush and floss everyday
Make sure your toothpaste has flouride (help protect tooth decay)

For more information call Dr. Marcia Martinez @ 407-273-6620 in Orlando, she is my Dentist.

International Health Day...Dia Internacional de la Salud...

CINNAMON: Related to avocado, nutmeg, & sassafras. Aromatic bark used in Asia as early as 2700 B.C. (before Christ) for fever & digestive problems. Cinnamon is mentioned in the Bible as spice, perfume, embalming/burial aid & medicine.

CLOVES: Related to tea tree & eucalyptus. Clove buds were used to mask bad breath as early as 207 B.C. (before Christ) during the Han dynasty in China. Clove was also used to kill grastrointestinal maladies. In the Intestines kills parasites, fungi & bacteria.

GINGER: Used for cooking, to preserved food, to relieve digestive problems, morning & motion sickness. Modern studies suggest that Ginger may help reduce cholesterol & blood pressure, inflammation of arthritis and may be helpful for colds & flu.

NUTMEG: Brown wrinkled fruit of a tropical evergreen tree with a nut-like kernel. Nutmeg is used as food flavoring & in small amounts for calming as a sleep aid.

*information source courtesy of the encyclopedia of healing remedies.~

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Own Collection of WEN...

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You have nothing to lose and evething to GAIN...
WEN is cleansing conditioner for Hair and Body...Created by Celebrity Hair Stylist CHAZ DEAN, of Hollywood, CA. To learn more about WEN & Chaz go to chazdean.com qvc.com and Like Him on Facebook.